A new premises and a new addition to our staff have made March an extremely entertaining month for us here at Safewise!
Our New Place
We have moved to a fantastic new location at 1134 (Unit 1) Victoria Street, Hamilton. Feel free to come and see the new digs and welcome Doug to the team!
Meet Doug Machado
Doug joined the Safewise team as our administrator at the end of February 2017. Giving us a bit of diversity with his South American background, Doug will be helping all our lovely clients with their systems, along with improving our own.
In addition to supporting people with disabilities in our community, ConneXu has recently just been awarded a secondary level accreditation in WSMP - a fantastic achievement to all involved! A true star among our Safewise clients!
In other news..
If we can make your month a bit more entertaining with a safety meeting or two, please get in touch here!